

Global Master Psych-K Practitioner

Emma has over 20 years’ experience in subconscious psychology and healing. Her work is dedicated to helping clients resolve negative subconscious patterns, overcome emotional challenges and recover from traumatic experiences, while supporting their personal growth and development. Emma holds a BSc hons degree in Psychology and prior to her career in healing spent ten years working in Investment Banking in London.

Based in Perth, Australia, Emma works globally with clients in positive, relaxed sessions to achieve fast and lasting outcomes. Sessions are conducted around the world using video link or phone, allowing you to be in the comfort and privacy of your own home.



After only 2 Skype sessions with Emma we were able to address so many key areas in my life that I know have been holding me back from feeling able, confident and just generally happy
Penny F, Brisbane

What is Psych-K?

Psych-K is both a universal energy and scientific modality. One of the unique aspects of Psych-K is its ability to communicate with the subconscious mind through energetic means. In essence it ‘speaks’ the language of the subconscious.

The subconscious mind influences our thoughts, behaviours, and overall experiences. Many of these beliefs formed during childhood are negative and self-sabotaging, which can cause low self-worth, disempowering habits and hinder personal growth. These patterns are so strong that no matter how much we may consciously want to let go of them we remain unable to move forward.

Psych-K involves utilizing safe, fast, and simple energetic balances designed to access and facilitate the release of energy from these beliefs. Psych-K then empowers individuals to use this energy in the present moment to form new beliefs and patterns that create the life that is truly wanted.

By aligning subconscious beliefs with conscious intentions, Psych-K offers a pathway for positive transformation and personal empowerment.

Emma Middleweek  Specialist in resolving negative subconscious patterns. 

Find out more by watching this video.

How Psych-K can help you?

  • Reaching your optimal levels of health and well being
  • Reducing anxiety and stress about the past, present and future
  • Working through difficult relationships
  • Breaking negative behaviour and thinking patterns: Addictions, eating disorders and phobias

How Psych-K can help your children?

  • Dealing with social stress and bullying
  • Coping with parental separation
  • Managing anxiety such as exam performance
  • Building confidence and self-belief
  • Working with parents on behalf of their children

How Emma Works

Your relationship with yourself represents the foundation on which all others are built upon. In a session we look at why you feel and behave the way you do, what needs to change, and actively make these changes.

I will intuitively guide you through the process of identifying your negative subconscious beliefs and patterns, primarily formed during childhood. By recognising and shedding light on these beliefs and patterns you start the process of alleviating the power and hold they have over you.

The next step is to change these patterns and create positive empowering subconscious beliefs.  To do this I use Psych-K. This subconscious energy tool is the fastest and most effective way to release the energy stuck in the old patterns, to detach from them, and create new beliefs. This can all be done in just a few sessions.

The greatest success comes from this holistic approach. Awareness, understanding and energy healing work together increasing your power to change and maintain new behaviours.


“Changing your life is easy with positive subconscious beliefs”

You are welcome to an initial complimentary 15 minute consultation.  Please contact me.

Emma Middleweek

Why is it important to change negative subconscious beliefs?


Subconscious beliefs determine our attitudes and experiences. How we perceive life and behave in our life is 95% driven by the subconscious mind. This programming has been downloaded in childhood. What you see transpiring in your life is the story of this subconscious programming. Unfortunately negative subconscious beliefs can prevent us being who we want to be and doing what we want to do.

Our conscious mind takes up the remaining 5% of our thinking. Even if our conscious thoughts are positive and we have the very best intentions to get what we want in life, when the subconscious is already programmed with sabotaging beliefs, it is very difficult to stay focused on the positive.

Sessions with Emma  – Emma’s sessions focus on clients becoming empowered by the positive changes in the subconscious. Clients are from all over the world with sessions taking place through video link or call.

Recent Articles

Life is so much easier when your subconscious beliefs are working for you not against you.
Emma Middleweek


The Psych-K process is strictly limited to the modification of beliefs. It’s purpose is to engage the mind/body’s natural self healing process’ in order to compliment, not replace, medical treatment and medical care by qualified medical practitioners. The Psych-K process is not designed to diagnose medical conditions or treat, heal or cure any disease, physical or mental illness, physical disability, medical problem or mental illness. Psych-K is not a replacement for appropriate medical attention or mental health care. Psych-K is not medical advice and should not be treated as such.