PSYCH-K Related Videos
This is a collection of PSYCH-K related videos based on frequently asked questions about the topic.
It also includes specific videos from Rob Williams – the founder of Psych-K and Bruce Lipton- author of The Biology of Belief offering valuable background information.
PSYCH-K® - What is PSYCH-K?
PSYCH-K® - Embrace change and be free.
PSYCH-K® - Help for parents and their children with an eating disorder.
PSYCH-K® - Part 1 - Energy Psychology, Subconscious change and Quantum Physics. What’s it all about?
PSYCH-K® - Part 2 - Energy Psychology, Subconscious change and Quantum Physics. What’s it all about?
PSYCH-K® - Part 3 - Energy Psychology, Subconscious change and Quantum Physics. What’s it all about?
Rob Williams The Psychology of Change Bruce Lipton 2 of 2
Science, Spirit, and PSYCH-K®
The Honeymoon Effect - Highlight Video
What Does the Term PSYCH-K® Stand For?
Thoughts Become Chemistry - Dr. Bruce Lipton
Dr. Bruce Lipton Explains How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
Rewrite Your MIND (40 Million Bits/Second) | Dr. Bruce Lipton "It Takes 15 Minutes"
Bruce Lipton on PSYCH-K®: Unlocking the Power of Your Subconscious Mind
PSYCH-K® - Anxiety
PSYCH-K® From anxiety to confidence
PSYCH-K® Anxiety
PSYCH-K® From anxiety to confidence
Emma Middleweek - Intuitive Energy Healer
Do you feel disappointed? Emma Middleweek - Turn Your Corner
The Psych-K process is strictly limited to the modification of beliefs. It’s purpose is to engage the mind/body’s natural self healing process’ in order to compliment, not replace, medical treatment and medical care by qualified medical practitioners. The Psych-K process is not designed to diagnose medical conditions or treat, heal or cure any disease, physical or mental illness, physical disability, medical problem or mental illness. Psych-K is not a replacement for appropriate medical attention or mental health care. Psych-K is not medical advice and should not be treated as such.